Thursday, January 13, 2011


When you lose something it’s unfortunate, when you lose someone it’s devastating.

In “Our Town,” you’ll see plaques on benches, chairs and next to trees; but every so often, in the midst of your everyday life, something makes you stop and say, “Where did that come from?” It might be a house, a unique saying or something you just never noticed---and then one day, you do.

That’s what happened one night when my wife, daughters, and a friend of ours, ventured out to Lake Ellyn for nighttime “treasure hunt.” Normally you might find something to pick up and place in one of the trashcans, see an animal on the lookout for food, or experience the reflection of the moon on the lake, but rarely if ever, anything more.

This night was different. They found a tribute that stopped them in their tracks---literally.

Hanging from a tree they saw dolls, ornaments and mementos celebrating the life of someone who had been taken much too soon. Her name was Jennifer Mills, and I believe she was around 18 when she passed away. I tried to learn more about this dedication but was not able to uncover anything that provided insight on what happened to her. Part of me is glad I didn’t, because in the end it really doesn’t matter.

What does matter is the love and respect others have for this young woman; with leaves collecting around a fairy with its head down, and “ personal remembrances” riding the winds that blow through the tree---the tribute is flat out amazing.

Since this discovery, I have noticed more dedications around Glen Ellyn; although this one ranks very high on my personal list, I suspect there are many more equally as moving and sentimental, I just have not found them.

We never want to experience “loss” of any kind, but when we do, it’s important to celebrate the lives that hold such an important place in our hearts.

Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

  1. This may sound strange but I was a friend of Jennifer (Jen) mills. She was a student at Glenbard West High School who died shortly after turning 18 and graduating from the high school back in 2004. While I was a friend, I did not find out about her death until the summer was over. I tried calling her home but her guardians believed me to be a prank caller trying to upset them. I remember being deeply hurt by the comments that they shouted at me for inquiring about Jen. While I do not know all of the details about her death I did know that she was cremated and had a small memorial though I have never been able to find it.

    Please if you would be so kind could you tell me where her memorial location is? I would greatly appreciate it since I have never been able to locate it or find a person who knew its location. I would truly be indebted for your assistance to be able to say goodbye to her.

    -Patrick Meers
